18 yr old female patient came with c/o diffuse pain abdomen since 2 weeks

B.Aishwarya Laxmi 

Roll no:152


This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

18 yr old female patient came with c/o diffuse pain abdomen since 2 weeks

C/o  vomitings since 5 days 

C/o  loose stools since 2 days 

C/o Fever on and off since 1 week 

HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 weeks back then she had diffuse abdominal pain after eating hostel food (5 other people also had similar complaints ) treated conservatively 

From 5 days pt had increased intensity of pain in the lower abdomen- colicky type , intermittent , not radiating to back, sudden in onset  pain not relieving on taking medication and associated with vomitings 

Vomitings - since 5 days (15-20 episodes )

Non bilious , non projectile , food as content . 

Loose stools from 2 days - watery in consistency , no blood in stools 

Fever on and off since 1 week not associated with chills and rigors 

Past history : not a k/c/o DM , HTN, Asthama , Epilepsy , TB , Thyroid .

 O/E: pt is c/c/c 

No signs Of dehydration.


Bp: 120/80 mmhg 

PR : 87 bpm 

CVS : S1S2  

RS : BAE  


P/A: soft , no guarding , no rigidity , non tender , Bs .

P/R: No external skin changes 

Sphincter tone normal . Rectum collapsed

Gloved finger stained with faecal matter 

X - ray erect abdomen  shows Dilated bowel loops with air fluid levels 

Usg abdomen and pelvis : Dilated  small and large bowel loops with sluggish peristalsis suggestive of paralytic ileus and minimal inter bowel fluid . 

Hb: 6.9 GM/dl 


Rx: 1) NBM till further orders 

      2 ) IVF 2 RL , 1 Ns @ 60 ml/ hr

      3) Inj . PAN. 40 mg IV /od 

      4) Inj. Zofer 4 mg IV /od 

      5) Inj tramodol in 100 ml ns 

      6)Inj ciproflox 200 mg IV BD 

      7) Inj metrogyl 100 ml Tid 


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